Friday, September 7, 2012

First Week Of School

It was great seeing everyone at the open house yesterday. We are looking forward to an exciting school year. During the first few weeks of school we will be focusing on developing classroom expectations, routines, and getting to know each other. We will also be completing some basic skill assessments.

Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom
My Friend Bear
The Kissing Hand
The Tub People

Small Group Activities:
First Letters: The children will decorate the first letter in their name with different art mediums. The letters will be hung up at school.

Shape Sorting: The children will sort shapes and then glue them onto a piece of paper.

Frog Math Book: The children will work on 1:1 correspondence up to 5. They will use frog stickers to represent the number of frogs needed on each page.

Puzzle: The children will work on therir visual perceptual skills as they put a frog puzzle together.

Coloring Shapes: The children will color 4 different shapes using different colors.

Choice Time:
Red Table: making playdough
Yellow Table: arts-n-craft activities
Rug Area: building manipulatives (Legos, Lincoln Logs)
Block Area: wooden and cardboard blocks
Dramatic Play: housecorner
Sensory Table: sand
Book Corner: books
Writing Center: drawing pictures and writing letters

I Have A Friend
Old McDonald Had A Farm
Wheels on the Bus

REMINDERS: Please don't send in snacks containing nuts and/or peanutbutter.

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